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Welcome to the Whirlwind

Welcome to the Whirlwind

Talking about yourself just seems fundamentally douchey. It turns out that condensing yourself down to four bullet points feels so…limiting. To be honest, what I’ve learned, mostly the hard way, is I am way more than a few polished titles. Also, I’ve always struggled with brevity. Can you tell?

I am more like a tornado of nouns, adjectives and you know what, sometimes verbs. I’m never sure which one I will be on any given day but I’ve had to learn to roll with it. Which is exactly why we’re here!

What I’m trying to say is, I felt like I needed more space to explain who I am- all the sides.

I’m a mom to the three coolest kids I know. 8 year old boy/girl twins (Rhett and Reese) and a 6 year old daughter (Remi Kate or RK). They are witty, silly, smart and typically on my last nerve. Kidding… Kind of.

A co-parent with my ex-husband, turned greatest ally, Tanner. You will get to know him here too. As much as it pains me to say, he has some wisdom I could never give you. I think you’ll like him as much as I do.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. But I actually do mean that. He’s the best.

I am an owner of my third baby STASH, well, really my first baby. It was the epitome of winging it. Trial by fire with minimal retail experience. But you're here, I'm here- we must be doing something right!

I had just graduated college with two degrees, a dream, and no backup plan.

But really I’m just a girl trying to figure out how to do all of this just like you. Sure, I’ve done some really dumb sh*t. But that is exactly why I’m qualified to tell you how to do it better.

They don’t make a solid credential for “the school of hard knocks” but if they did I’d have a doctorate and I’d present that to you now. Unfortunately, you’ll have to take my word for it.

When I decided to do this, I didn’t know exactly what it would be. I have a million ideas bouncing around in my head and I’m not comfortable putting our relationship in a box already so I thought maybe we could figure it out together?

I may not be able to give you an exact road map for our time together but I can tell you this: I am here for you. I’ll be here for you weekly to air it out. Wait. That’s really good. Air It Out With Ashley? Write that down.

I want this to be a space that feels good and that you feel better after leaving. Just like the person you run into always puts a smile on your face or leaves you feeling happier or more at peace. 

Okay, I can’t promise peace. But I promise you, you won’t feel alone.

This space will be encouraging and playful- but also very practical. A place where we can discuss the good stuff, fun stuff and the super hard stuff... and of course- all the latest trends and must haves!

I want to help moms with the overwhelm and talk about things that can feel isolating. I’ve always felt like I have experienced so much so I could help others… that just hasn’t happened yet. But it is now! With you!

We will talk about how we can be happier having less and how to not hate your husband after a new baby. We’ll cover friendships, relationships, trial and errors, parenting, the dangers of conditional love and the power of unconditional love, then we will move seamlessly into party stuff, organization, owning businesses, being a female entrepreneur, store fixture stuff and home decor. As you do.

Here’s the thing though. I finally learned that your interests can be lucrative and the things you love are valid. I finally feel comfortable saying no, taking care of myself and giving myself permission to say “if it’s not a hell yes then it’s a f*ck no.”

Basically, I’m the relatable friend that wants to help make everyone’s lives a little easier and a little funnier. Are you into that? Can we hang out?

Also can I just say, I’m so dang happy you’re here.

Let the fun begin,

Ashley Ryan

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